Saturday 8 August 2015

Splatfest #3 Hot Dogs VS Marshmallows

Photo from Searching-for-banana-files

Another Splatfest has come and gone. Unfortunately I was unable to reach maximum Rank this time due to catching the flu and having to work.  (Got to Champion) Marshmallows defiantly had the popular vote based on how many times I was matched up marshmallow vs marshmallow 64% in the end. But from the battles I did see, from either playing or watching SwimmingBird941's live stream, is that team Hot Dog sent their elite forces to battle against the massive waves of Marshmallows.  I did feel that Team Hot Dogs was very skilled at pinning Team Marshmallow down to the spawn area in Moray Towers and spreading out in Camp Triggerfish / Blackbelly Skatepark and just covering more turf.  Netting them 52% of the victories.  Luckily the popularity held out and Marshmallow pulled off the win with 256 - 244. Either way congratulations Team Marshmallows on your victory!  Good job to everyone who played,  Enjoy your Super Sea Snail!!! With the new gear you'll need them.

KFlave signing out!

Image found on Searching-for-bananaflies tumblr


  1. The one that pinning them to their base at moray towers was me. Did that couple of times.

    1. It is a valid strategy. I've done it a few times but my team rarely supports me in my efforts. My containment never works
