Monday 10 August 2015

Octoling Rumors Or Truth?

It seems that Nintendo is teasing the Octolings again. Hackers seem to have found a way to play as Octolings which isn't new news.  Although this time the Octoling characters now have faces and show some similar expressions to the Inklings when they win or lose.  This makes it seem like the Octolings are almost ready for battle.  

Personally I still would play as an Inkling.  I think it would be cool if Nintendo just made a wave mode for the Octolings.  Or  maybe have the opposing team skinned as Octolings instead of inklings.  Or just have special events where the players have to fight off an Octoling invasion.    

Either way I love how Splatoon's creators have actually been listening to their fan base.  I think the players can provide great feedback to help make the game even better. Although... I'm not a fan of the pants store or hairstyle ideas.  But that's for another rant.  

KFlave signing out!

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