Tuesday 18 August 2015

New Global Testfire

For anyone on the fence about buying Nintendo's colorful new shooter your about to be offered another free trail opportunity.  Nintendo recently released the August 2.0 update to Splatoon which included many new features such as new game modes, better match making systems, new weapons and more gear.  Some have argued that these options should have been in the game from day one and I agree with them a bit.  The lack of modes, maps and weapons where a turn off for some people and I believe Nintendo has realized that.  This is why from August 21 - 23 they have announced a new global testfire to give players another chance at seeing what the game has now evolved into.  Anyone with a Wii U will be able to download the demo and battle with people on all the newlevels and modes.

Personally I hope this generates more intrest in the game.  I love Splatoon and hope people give it another change.  Splatoon isn't your normal shooter but it has its own charm that setts it apart from the rest.  It's a refreshing change to the over used shooter formula. 

In the words of the Squid Sisters, "Stay Fresh!"

KFlave signing out!

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