Friday 11 September 2015

Super Mario Maker is Out

Photo from Nintendo

Super Mario Maker is finally out today and I gotta say the game looks pretty nice.  After many long years of waiting it's awesome to now be able to build levels and challenge the world to complete them.  Lots of the information I will be talking about might already be known since Youtubers have been posting about Mario Maker for a couple of weeks now.

The possibilities for level creations are only limited by your imagination. Nintendo has made sure to keep the game fun for everyone.  In order to release your levels to the public you must be able to complete them without dying.  This should help remove the number of  impossible Kaizo Mario style floating around but still keep in some challenging levels.

If you want an easy way to find difficult levels you can take the 100 Mario challenge.  Your goal is simple: Complete 16 levels with only 100 lives.  A walk in the park on easy mode but very challenging or outright almost impossible once you get to expert mode.  This is the perfect way for a Mario master to prove his worth to his peers.

Personally my favorite part of Mario Maker is the Amiibo costumes.  I believe there are around 99 costumes to unlock in the game and most of them come from just using the Amiibos.  It is interesting to see all the 8-bit character sprites.  It's very ironic to see characters like Sonic be official in a Mario game considering the great console war.  I also fascinating to see the Inklings and other newer Nintendo characters in a retro form.  I kind of like them and almost wish they had retro origin games just to see how they would have worked.

That's all for today!
K Flave signing out!

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