Saturday 12 September 2015

Splatfest 5 - Creativity or Fact?

Photo From Nintendo

Next week American Splatoon players will be celebrating another Splatfest and this time it is a bit philosophical.  Do you value art or science more?  I am hoping to bounce back in this Splatfest to make up for my defeat last time.  Although, it is hard to say which team will be more popular as both side are opposites.  I personally have to go with my heart in this Splatfest and chose art since I am both an actor and a musician.

Here is a big question for everyone.   Which came first art or science?   Without science we wouldn't have any spare time to create art.  The posses of discovering things through science is its own expression and its own art.

Now to help any gamers figure out which side to pick its very simple.  Video games are both an art and a science.  The science of technology and programming allows us to see and play the works of art developers have spent years making.  So it doesn't really matter which side a gamer picks.

  The Splatfest runs on the 18 - 19 of September so everyone pick a side and get ready to rumble!

KFlave signing out!

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