Monday 21 September 2015

Let The Game Design Begin - Super Mario Maker

I picked up Super Mario Maker this weekend and so far it is a fantastic game.  I've already put in many hours playing it to unlock all the stage building tools.  Next goal for me is to unlock all of the costumes.  This will take a while though since you must beat the 100 Mario challenge multiple times on Easy, Normal and Hard Difficulties.  The easy challenge is, well easy.  A lot of the courses are straight forward or are automatic levels.  Normal difficulty does require some skill as dying does become an issue but won't be a problem as most levels have a lot of 1-Ups in them to keep you near 100.  The real challenge I find is with Hard Mode.  I know I'm not the most skilled Mario player but half of those levels seem trollish to me.  Some can only be cleared by knowing a secret trick the creator put in which (I find to be unfair) or by trial and error.  Trial and error doesn't work well since you only have 100 lives and 16 stages to complete.  I prefer skill over luck in my games,  but that is just an opinion.

In the mean time here are some of my levels to play until I complete some more challenges.

Beginner's Luck (Still Undefeated)

Bomber Bridge

Castle Koopa

KFlave signing out!

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