Friday 16 September 2016


It has been a long time since I last posted here and I should apologize for that...  But I have gotten busy with work and a few other things.

Firstly, I have finally got around to getting into the Splatoon Competitive scene with the clan Squids for Days.  My time there has been productive and my skills have improved a lot.  You can find some of the videos on their Youtube channel.  (Which is just Squids for Days)  I have also been helping out some of my friends to establish their own clan to compete with.  Yesterday they officially formed under the name Quasar and I really hope to see great things come from this team as they have many skilled players.

Also I have made the decision to move the blog to a better site.  Personally I like how this other site works better and it felt like time for a change since this blog is barely active anymore.  Anyone wanting to continue following me.  You will now be able to see me at

Until next time,

Kflave signing out!

Thursday 21 January 2016

Community Game Nights / Ritlin Gaming Update

Photo from BlankMediaGames

Decided to do a quick little update on how Ritlin Gaming is doing.  We are almost through our first after a full launch and things are going pretty well.  Our Facebook Page has been established and almost have 75 likes already.  Feel free to join us there and tell them Kflave sent you!  The site itself has started to get regular traffic on it other than just the four leaders and we have started implementing some new content.  Within the next week or two we should have some forums working on the site for everyone to chat in and discuss anything gaming in.  We also have added an event feature and have already held a couple of game nights for everyone on the site.  Last weekend the Ritlins played Town of Salem for a few hours with site members and random lobbies we decided to invade.  You might have saw us, but if not keep an eye out for us.  We usually sign our wills or death notes with the our battle cry, "rit rit".

This week we are playig a game that is new to me.  Its called Dirty Bomb and it is a free multiplayer shooter on steam.  If you are on around 11 am PST you might just catch find a few of use running around.

If you want full updates on what and when we are playing feel free to join us at!

From there you can, join groups, form clans, meet new people, join the Discord server, and have a great time gaming!

Until next time,
KFlave signing out!

Saturday 9 January 2016

Splatoon Discord Goes Live - Hopeful Tournament Future

So along side Ritlin Gaming my friends and I have also set up a pair of Discord channels for our gamers to use to communicate through.  The main channel is filled with different game based rooms for people to use.

I have personally created a separate Splatoon only channel and have some goals to go with it.  My philosophy with gaming is that it is a tool meant to bring people of all backgrounds together no matter their race, culture or religion.  The channel is meant to bring together a group of splatoon players who love the game and want to see it grow stronger.

I want to use the Splatoon channel as a hub world for Squads and Clans of squid kids along side independent gamers.  This way the squads can easily set up battles between each other and the single gamers can easily make contact with squad to join them.

This also leads to a perfect opportunity for the possibility of hosting tournaments.  Once I get at least 2 squads of squids on the channel I will begin hosting tournaments.   These tournaments will be held right on the channel with each squad getting a room to communicate in.  I even have some rewards planned out for the winners.

1. The winners get their Squad's name on one of the discord rooms
2. Their Squad will be feature on my Blog and gaming website.
3. For the squad members that are on the website, they can collect badges after tournament victories.  These badges act as a trophy they can display to all the other gamers.

I hope this is of interest to some of you Inklings.  I want the Splatoon community to grow and stay strong.  Let's help build a cooperative and competitive community and show the world what Splatoon is and can be.

Discord Channels
Ritlin Gaming Main Code - 0fO0nYBbSk853NYe
Splatoon Channel Link -

Until next time,
Kflave signing off!

Monday 4 January 2016

Ritlin Gaming Goes Live!

It has been quite some time since I last made a blog post and a lot of things have changed.  So let's get started talking.

Firstly, my friends and I have joined forces to create a gaming website!  My friends decided they wanted to create a site that would allow gamers to come together, form clans, share ideas and compete with each other in their favorite games!  It is kind of like a facebook for gamers.  I've been with them the last two months and we are finally at the point that things are running.  We are located at and everyone is welcome!  In my opinion gaming is a tool for bringing the world closer together.  My goal on the website is to do just that.  So check out the site and add me as a friend!

Until next time!

K Flave signing off!

Wednesday 14 October 2015

Saskatchewan Gamers' Guild

It's been a while since I last posted so here is an update for everyone.  My video capture device is still not working right which means I still am unable to make any interesting content.  I am hoping to sort this problem out soon but I can not guarantee anything.

On the more positive side I have some exciting news for all you gamers!  Me and my friends have formed a group called the Saskatchewan Gamers' Guild!

For the longest time I have struggled to find other people who like video games as much as I do.  Now with the power of the internet it is so easy to play games against other real people.  This is why we made the guild.  Please join is if you are a fan of Nintendo, Sega, Sony, XBox or PC.  We talk about all things gaming!  It is a place that gamers can go to discuss gaming, make friends, and find people to play with!  Even though it says Saskatchewan our group is open to any and all gamers, the name just refers to our home base of operations.  We currently are only operating on facebook and I will keep posting updates on the state of the Guild.  We are a small starting out group so please feel free to start a conversation on our page or in our discussion group.

Check us out!
Saskatchewan Gamers' Guild
Discussion Page

KFlave signing out!

Tuesday 22 September 2015

Hammerhead Bridge

Photo From Nintendo

Took a short break from Splatoon to focus on school work and try out Super Mario Maker.  I did however make time to compete in the recent American Splatfest Art vs Science.  It was a great time and my team won again!  My Splatfest record now sits at 3 - 1.  Now back to the point.  I noticed that a new map had been released just before Splatfest called Hammerhead Bridge so naturally I had to scout it out before playing it online.

This map is reminiscent of Walleye Warehouse and Port Mackerel as it is very narrow but long.  The main focal point on the map is the bridge that runs from spawn point to the enemy spawn point.  This path offers quick movement and access to many parts of the stage but is a risk due to the lack of cover the bridge provides.  The bridge also has very little turf to be covered so in a turf war it is best to drop down as soon as possible.  From spawn there are also two side paths players can choose to take to get to the common middle ground.  These paths do provide players cover but also take a bit longer to get to the center of the fight.  Personally I find the area under the bridge to feel a bit like a maze with many walls and corners people can hide behind.  While playing Splatfest I spent countless games running in circles trying to out flank my opponents who where chasing me.  In the end I just ambushed them from around a corner with a well placed splat bomb.

This map is pretty fun to play and it also got me thinking.  Many Splatoon maps share similar characteristics.  Maybe there is a way to classify them.

Foreshadowing?  Maybe I am.  Stick around to find out!

Until then
KFlave signing out!

Monday 21 September 2015

Let The Game Design Begin - Super Mario Maker

I picked up Super Mario Maker this weekend and so far it is a fantastic game.  I've already put in many hours playing it to unlock all the stage building tools.  Next goal for me is to unlock all of the costumes.  This will take a while though since you must beat the 100 Mario challenge multiple times on Easy, Normal and Hard Difficulties.  The easy challenge is, well easy.  A lot of the courses are straight forward or are automatic levels.  Normal difficulty does require some skill as dying does become an issue but won't be a problem as most levels have a lot of 1-Ups in them to keep you near 100.  The real challenge I find is with Hard Mode.  I know I'm not the most skilled Mario player but half of those levels seem trollish to me.  Some can only be cleared by knowing a secret trick the creator put in which (I find to be unfair) or by trial and error.  Trial and error doesn't work well since you only have 100 lives and 16 stages to complete.  I prefer skill over luck in my games,  but that is just an opinion.

In the mean time here are some of my levels to play until I complete some more challenges.

Beginner's Luck (Still Undefeated)

Bomber Bridge

Castle Koopa

KFlave signing out!