Saturday 9 January 2016

Splatoon Discord Goes Live - Hopeful Tournament Future

So along side Ritlin Gaming my friends and I have also set up a pair of Discord channels for our gamers to use to communicate through.  The main channel is filled with different game based rooms for people to use.

I have personally created a separate Splatoon only channel and have some goals to go with it.  My philosophy with gaming is that it is a tool meant to bring people of all backgrounds together no matter their race, culture or religion.  The channel is meant to bring together a group of splatoon players who love the game and want to see it grow stronger.

I want to use the Splatoon channel as a hub world for Squads and Clans of squid kids along side independent gamers.  This way the squads can easily set up battles between each other and the single gamers can easily make contact with squad to join them.

This also leads to a perfect opportunity for the possibility of hosting tournaments.  Once I get at least 2 squads of squids on the channel I will begin hosting tournaments.   These tournaments will be held right on the channel with each squad getting a room to communicate in.  I even have some rewards planned out for the winners.

1. The winners get their Squad's name on one of the discord rooms
2. Their Squad will be feature on my Blog and gaming website.
3. For the squad members that are on the website, they can collect badges after tournament victories.  These badges act as a trophy they can display to all the other gamers.

I hope this is of interest to some of you Inklings.  I want the Splatoon community to grow and stay strong.  Let's help build a cooperative and competitive community and show the world what Splatoon is and can be.

Discord Channels
Ritlin Gaming Main Code - 0fO0nYBbSk853NYe
Splatoon Channel Link -

Until next time,
Kflave signing off!

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