Wednesday 14 October 2015

Saskatchewan Gamers' Guild

It's been a while since I last posted so here is an update for everyone.  My video capture device is still not working right which means I still am unable to make any interesting content.  I am hoping to sort this problem out soon but I can not guarantee anything.

On the more positive side I have some exciting news for all you gamers!  Me and my friends have formed a group called the Saskatchewan Gamers' Guild!

For the longest time I have struggled to find other people who like video games as much as I do.  Now with the power of the internet it is so easy to play games against other real people.  This is why we made the guild.  Please join is if you are a fan of Nintendo, Sega, Sony, XBox or PC.  We talk about all things gaming!  It is a place that gamers can go to discuss gaming, make friends, and find people to play with!  Even though it says Saskatchewan our group is open to any and all gamers, the name just refers to our home base of operations.  We currently are only operating on facebook and I will keep posting updates on the state of the Guild.  We are a small starting out group so please feel free to start a conversation on our page or in our discussion group.

Check us out!
Saskatchewan Gamers' Guild
Discussion Page

KFlave signing out!

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