Tuesday 28 July 2015

Ranked Mode Struggles

Photo from Nintendo

I rarely play ranked battles in splatoon anymore for good reason.   It isn't that the competition is to tough or anything.  I enjoy the hardcore battle styles that ranked mode provides to the game.  It just grinds my gears when you get communication errors in the middle of battle and are forced to lose 10 points of your rank.  I was a 40 B- but after 4 communication errors I dropped down to 70 C+.  It took me forever to get up to B- and I just hate having my hard work taken away from me for no good reason.   I can let it slide when I actually lose internet connection on my end, but when my laptop is running with a connection and Splatoon cuts out I get mad.

I wish Nintendo would look into these problems.  I haven't seen a single time when the servers were down for maintenance or anything.   I know for sure I am not the only one who is suffering from this.  Nintendo please listen to your fans.  Maintain your servers.  Help us help you make Splatoon better for everyone!

1 comment:

  1. This very well could just be my wireless internet cutting in and out. I've been told wifi can be very tricky to use depending on where it is in the building and how many devices are using it. Personally, I still love Splatoon and have better luck with connection if I disconnect my laptop while playing online.
