Friday 16 September 2016


It has been a long time since I last posted here and I should apologize for that...  But I have gotten busy with work and a few other things.

Firstly, I have finally got around to getting into the Splatoon Competitive scene with the clan Squids for Days.  My time there has been productive and my skills have improved a lot.  You can find some of the videos on their Youtube channel.  (Which is just Squids for Days)  I have also been helping out some of my friends to establish their own clan to compete with.  Yesterday they officially formed under the name Quasar and I really hope to see great things come from this team as they have many skilled players.

Also I have made the decision to move the blog to a better site.  Personally I like how this other site works better and it felt like time for a change since this blog is barely active anymore.  Anyone wanting to continue following me.  You will now be able to see me at

Until next time,

Kflave signing out!